Wake Up to an Organized Kitchen

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Help, my kitchen is cluttered with mugs, how do I organize it?

Wake Up to an Organized Kitchen

Some say the best part of waking up is coffee in your mug. I think the best part is a steaming hot cup of tea in a great big mug –But, if you are like most people, mornings are not the time to move around your kitchen looking for the coffee, the filter, the mug, or the tea bag, and water. So, I have moved all of my hot beverages including all of my mugs, and cups to one central area near my stove. This saves me the hassle of looking for everything in the morning fog which is my brain.

You can do this with other things in your kitchen too. Do you have all of your baking supplies together? What about all of your can goods? Do all of your canned vegetables face you with the label showing, just like the supermarket? Take a hint from your favorite market…everything on eye level shelves in your kitchen are things you use every day. Shelves up high or down below are used to store things that you use once a week, or even less.

Keep only the appliances you use daily on your countertop. And Remember, empty space is okay…makes your kitchen look bigger! Have an Organized Day!



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