September 26, 2008, Newsletter Issue #134: Creating a Library

Tip of the Week

If you are a book lover and you have books in every orifice of your home, it may be time to create a library of your very own. If you have a finished basement, or a tolerant spouse, your living room may be the answer.

You can get a wall unit, or you can do wall to wall shelving with a custom installation. If you don't have a ton of money to throw at the project, get some custom cut plywood shelves from your local lumber store, sand and stain or paint the wood and hang the shelves with simple metal mounting strips and brackets (this also makes them adjustable).

If you have more money to throw at the project, consider getting floating shelves - they will cost a bit more and they may not have the same weight capacity but the look is great.

Creating all of this wonderful shelving is a great idea, but you do need to make sure you don't end up with a house full of books. Use the same rule as you do with shoes - in one - out one! Your local library will love you.

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